Thursday, 23 December 2010


The new front cover has a
new main image and is layed
out in a new design.
The contents page is still the
same but i have added a new
image to show i have used diffrent
types of camera shots.

On the DPS i have changed
the main font so it is the same as the
front cover . i have also
edited the images on photoshop
to give it a frame.

Photoshop Editing

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

My DPS Interview Draft

Double Page Spread

Original Content Page Plan

Originally I wanted to make a double page contents page as I believe magazines are bought in order to help relax and indulge in personal interests so I wanted to use the right hand page for a graphic contents page using images with page numbers of the more important articles to save the consumer having to scan threw the entire contents to find the article which they were most interested in reading. I would then use the left hand page for the editor’s note and full contents of the magazine.
The reason i did not do this is because i thought it would be easyer to make it on one page but still have a nice look to it .

Changes To My Magazine

After i uploaded the first draft of my magazine my teacher pointed out some things what needed to be changed theys wore small things that needed to be done to make the magazine as real as i posible, one of the things i added was the price on the cover page this needed to be done so the reader knows how much the magazine is for. allso the DPS did not have diffrent types of photos so have to change the film strim so they wore some close ups as well as long shots and medium close ups.

NEW Draft Music Magazine

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Music Magazine Eddited Image

Music Magazine DPS

Music Magazine Content Page

This is my contents page I have followed the branding set by the front cover by using the same colour scheme and fonts, I have also inter-linked the branding used on the double page spread on my contents page too, I have done this by having the same colours on the page. The only difference between them is that the main font is slightly diffrent however this is simply because I want to give the mage a bolder look. I have made my contents page very audience friendly as everything is neatly categorized and the page is not cluttered with information, I have done this because as I have previously mentioned I believe that magazines are bought for the purpose of relaxation not stress and worry that you cannot find the page you are looking for.

Music Magazine Cover

The first step I took to creating my front cover was taking the pictures which I needed to create the magazine. I choose this particular picture because it’s fits in well with the theme of the magazine. The house colours for my magazine are black, white and red and the background colour of the photo fits in very well. The main font i used was bleeding cowboy that is the font i used on the masthead .
I also took a bar code off the internet which I added onto the magazine cover in the left hand side. I then removed some of the lines to create room for the date of publication and the price of the magazine. The font colour is white so it stands out from the silver background. The selling line on to of the page is the same colour as the artist dress. The name of the magazine is written is dark red so it blends in with the magazine but stands out so that the consumer knows what the magazine is called. The appearance of the magazine is sexy and sophisticated which is the look that I was going for.


Music Magazine Original Pictures ( 3 )

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Music Magazine Proposal

Scribd" href="" style="margin: 12px auto 6px auto;Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch:

Music Magazine Original Pictures ( 2 )

Music Magazine Original Pictures ( 1 )

Before creating the mock up for my own music magazine I analysed some existing ones to see if there were any recuring themes or problems with them

Music Magazine Cover Analysis



I made my mood board to establish the general atmosphere for my magazine.
I have included pictures of some widely known R&B artists, Jay-z, Ne-Yo, Rihanna, Pharell & Chris Brown who are typical R&B artists.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Music Magazines Research

Within the UK music magazines have become extremely popular. The most known music magazines Q, Kerrang and NME. They reveal different types of information about different genres of music and about the artists that associate with the type of style. This was first published that these 3 magazines were the most popular since july 2009 to june 2010. (Infomation found on

About My Questionnaire

I made a questionnaires, asking the audience for their opinions on music magazines. My questionnaire consisted of 12 questions, for the audience to either write down their answer or tick their preference in the tick boxes. I have mainly used closed questions as when people do questionnaires they want it to be a quick and easy proces.If I used mainly open questions then it would be very time consuming and this would put people off from doing the questionnaire.The objective of this questionnaire was to find out what was the most appealing features of a music magazines and what people would like to see. One of the questions was 'What genre of music do you prefer'. This was to find out the most popular genre so that i may base my magazine around this genre. Another question was 'What type of freebies would you like with your magazine'. This was to find out what was the most popular response so that i could use it for my magazine and make it more appealing to the viewer. I also asked the question 'How much are you willing to spend on a music magazine'. This is so that i could take the most popular response and base the price of my magazine around that price so that is would be more successful.

Questionnaire Results


Music Mag Questionnaire


Monday, 18 October 2010

Preliminary Task Evaluation

The task we had to do was produce a college magazine we had to use an image we had taken are self of a student in medium close up. The program i used was photoshop cs2 i used this program as i could edit text and images. also as i have used this program before i found that i could do what i want to my magazine with no diffculity.
while i was makeing my magazine i leaned new skill and advanced the once i oready had i leaned how to edit text and change sizes so it fit what you are doing i also learned how to set the paged to the size i needed this was helpfull as the images i had wore to large.

along the way i made a few changes to the magazine as i thought it would have looked good that way i tride to keep to my disigns but had to change a few things as i thought i could inprove on my design. looking at the final design i wouldent change anything else on the magazin as it is good the way it is.

Main Images I Used For My Magazine

I used the image above for the contents page for my magazine cover it is of a student useing his phone outside school it was to show readers that 6formers can use phones iin school

i used this image for the main cover of my magazine it is of a student standing in the school gardens i used this images because the pink of the student contrasted with the blue in the sky.

My Magazine Contents Page

My Magazine Front Covers

Thursday, 14 October 2010

College Magazine Design

Disigns for my magazine which i will now make.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Experimenting With Camera Shots

Befor i started my media work i wanted to gain an understanding of what type of camera shots i should use when i start my media work , to do this i took some images , In the follwing pictures i have tacken you will be able to identify many different types of camera shots which i can later use in my work.